We have been sharing our narrative writing with others so that we can give and receive feedback. We have been using two medals and a mission and have been really trying to focus on specific narrative features when giving feedback.
Here is some of the feedback Sylvia received from Alicia and Athens.
Great work you three!
Dear Dairy
So I woke up this morning to get ready for school until I went for a shower, and guess what came out of the shower gummy bears at first I was like” you're just wasting my time” then I was like “mmmm gummy bears!” So I thought I’ll skip the shower and brush my teeth until I turned on the tap and coins started to come out and I started think how am I going to get to school if I can’t get ready. After that I was like forget it I’ll just brush my hair, put on my uniform and eat breakfast. As soon as I got to school people started to stare, point and talk about me because I looked ugly!
Story By Sylvia