Thursday, 24 September 2015

Celebrating Success at the End of Term 3

We have reached the end of Term 3.  Room 9 have all worked hard and we celebrate some of their achievements.

Inter-schools Cross Country

Four exhausted runners at the end of races at Bailey Road School!  After weeks of training, they made it to the inter-schools cross country and represented our school well.  
Congratulations Meana, Lupe, Dakbai and Sione.

Homework A Grades

It takes consistent effort to complete your homework to a high standard every week.

In Room 9 these four have achieved A grades for the entire term by completing all tasks to their best standard each week.  

Well done Sione, Thanush, Meana and Min Zin.

Friday, 18 September 2015

Cross Country Stars

On Wednesday our school cross country was held.  Everyone in Room 9 showed great stamina!  A special congratulations to our finalists: Sione, Lupe, Dakbai, Meana, Azahar and Isabell.  (Unfortunately not everyone was at school on Friday to get their certificate.) 

Thursday, 17 September 2015

The Mad Scientists of Room 9!

On Wednesday Room 9 was taken over by scientists investigating: 'How clouds make rain'.
They discovered that when a cloud has collected enough water droplets it gets heavier and heavier until water droplets fall to earth as rain.


Thursday, 3 September 2015

Symmetrical Style

Symmetry + paper folding = amazing artworks

By learning two simple origami folds Room 9 learners were able to create these stunning symmetrical artworks. Arranging their folded pieces into different patterns, keeping in mind lines of reflective symmetry.